
Candlelight Prayer Gathering for Sandy Hegeman

 Logo for Celebrate Sandy

We are passing the information below on to you on behalf of Delray Beach Playhouse in support of Sandy Hegeman.

Dear Friends,

As you know our sweet Sandy is still fighting her battle though you may not know that recently she took a turn for the worse. We know how much you care and support Sandy and her family so we invite you to join us on Saturday, July 21 at 7 pm here at the Delray Beach Playhouse.

If you would like to say a few words of encouragement, please submit them to me no later than Thursday, July 19 so we can include you in the program. We request that you limit your words to 2-3 minutes as we anticipate many people will want to participate and we’d like to keep things running as smoothly as possible.

An R.S.V.P. to by Thursday, July 19 would also be appreciated so we know how many people to accommodate.

A limited number of Celebrate Sandy T-shirts will be available for $10 each – exact cash only – and as always, donations will be accepted for the Love Jen Foundation.

If you have a connection for the donation of candles and/or matches, please let me know as soon as possible.


Marla Gideos and Gina Cooper