
Congratulations to All on a Wonderful Recital!

The Wizard of Oz-Rockin' in the Emerald City RecitalCongratulations go our to all of the dancers, teachers, parents, and families who worked so hard on this year’s recital!  The Wizard of Oz-Rockin’ in the Emerald City, was a great success! Held at The Countess de Hoernle Theatre at Spanish River High School, we offered quality entertainment and an experience families and students will not soon forget.  Photos are coming soon!

Recital Videos are available to purchase for either the Matinee or Evening Performance through Lightning Videos. Order forms were mailed home to families, you can pick one up in our office, or you can access the order form online here if you’d like to order a video of either or both shows. Please be aware of which performance your student danced in: the Matinee Show or the Evening Shows.

Professional photographers and extraordinary artists, Suzanne Scherer and Pavel Ouporov, captured the event for those interested in photos. Check out S & O Photo-Video here or call (954) 793-0301.


Special Thanks for “A Night of Hope”

Night of Hope Ticket

Congrats to all of the performers, their teachers, and directors from Bak Middle School Dance and Theater Departments,Standing Ovation Performing Arts, soloists Leon Cobb and Mia Nielsen, The Dancer’s Edge Company from Southern Dance Theatre,and LOUD on a successful performance at “A Night of Hope” last Saturday, May 4th at Delray Beach Center for the Arts to benefit Sandy Hegeman, Hailey Kennedy, and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Many thanks to The committee: Tayaa Chiaravalloti, Heather Kern, Christine Palermo, Shay Cavanagh, Aida Rockwell, and Amanda Murphy for their time and dedication to such a worthy cause and making it happen. Bravo to the stage techs at Crest Theatre for making the show run smooth and look beautiful.

Summer Intensive Auditions-This Saturday!

Summer Intensive

Auditions for Summer Intensive will be held at Southern Dance Theatre: April 13th 4-5:30pm.



Audition Attire:
Females-black leotard/pink ballet tights/ pink ballet shoes/hair in a bun
Males-white t-shirt/ black tights/ black ballet shoes/ hair well-groomed

The 2013 Summer Intensive Program will run July 1st-July 26th at Southern Dance Theatre.  9am-3pm Monday-Friday.

Students will train in core classes: ballet technique, pre-pointe and pointe, variations, Pilates and yoga stretch, modern, jazz, contemporary, leaps and turns. Special guest teachers will lead classes in tap, hip hop, and singing and acting for dancers. The focus will be on ballet training.

This program is designed and recommended for:
*Students auditioning for or attending BAK or DSOA programs.
*Students auditioning for Dancer’s Edge Company.
*Serious students wanting to concentrate on technique at a time when daily schedules are not so demanding.

Click here for more information about our Summer Intensive Program, Summer Camps, and Summer Classes.

How to Order Recital & Dress Rehearsal Tickets-May 1st

The Wizard of Oz Rockin' in The Emerald City

Recital Tickets for both Evening Performances and the Matinee Performance will be available for purchase online here from 12:01am EST May 1st- 11:00pm EST May 31st.  Tickets will be mailed to you directly from our ticket vendor in a Plain White Envelope from California.  Please check your mail carefully. If the shows do not sell out and any tickets remain, they will be available to purchase at the box office prior to the shows-cash only.  Last year’s Matinee Performance sold out so please be sure to get your tickets online.

Please be sure you know which performance your dancer is participating in (Evening or Matinee) prior to ordering your tickets as we are unable to offer any refunds or exchanges on Recital Tickets.  See the “Recital Timeline” information below for reference.

Dress Rehearsal tickets will be available for purchase from our office May 1st-June 5th via cash or check and then will be available prior to the dress rehearsals at the box office via cash only. Personal, non-flash photography and video recording is permitted at the dress rehearsal only.  We will have professional photographers and videographers capturing both the Evening and Matinee performances.  Click here to order a video from Lightning Videos.

Click here to order Recital Tickets.

Click here for more information about Recital.

Tickets on Sale for “A Night of Hope” Benefit

The Dancer's Alchemy Presents "A Night of Hope Benefit"


Sandy Hegeman and Hailey Kennedy are BAK Middle School of the Arts students that have been diagnosed with leukemia. Sandy Hegeman is a theater major and also a dancer at Southern Dance Theatre. She was diagnosed last year with leukemia and thought she was on the road to recovery when six months into her recovery she had a relapse. They have now found a bone marrow donor for her and she will be en route for her transplant between April 30th and May 5th. Hailey Kennedy was diagnosed on January 24th, on the 25th she was on her way to St. Jude’s Children’s hospital still undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

“A Night of Hope” is a benefit at the Crest Theatre Delray Beach Center for the Arts at Old School Square to raise money for the two girls and 20% of the proceeds will be given to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for research. The tickets will be $20, if you would like to make an additional donation to either or both girls you can write a check to The Dancer’s Alchemy, and put their name in the memo of the check. 100% of the proceeds will be given to them.

Performers include The Dancer’s Edge Company; BAK Middle School Dance and Theater Departments; “LOUD” featuring Kenneth Fowler, Greg Gilman, and Larry Albright; Leon Cobb; and Standing Ovations Performing Arts.

For tickets to this event or to make a donation, please call 561-926-7685 or email nightofhopebenefit@yahoo.com

Please spread the word by sharing this event with your Facebook friends so we can reach as many people as possible. Join us Saturday, May 4th at 7pm.

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